Author Archives: Lou Bernard

About Lou Bernard

Secretary of the F.P.C.A. and long-time Columbus City Schools teacher.

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: January 14, 2025


Date: 14 January 2025

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:04 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –

Slate of Candidates for 2025 was read by the secretary. There are 2 positions open: the Civic Action/311 Officer, and Area 14 Area Representative. The slate was accepted. Vote was taken and all volunteers were elected to their positions.

Guest Speaker: Sarah Pomeroy – Senior Assistant City Attorney, Zone Initiative at Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein’s Office. 

  1. Sworn in officers, committee chairs, and area representatives. 
  2. Explained the different areas that her position deals with. 
    1. Shared info about area hotels – they have major issues with 2 hotels in the area and are working them through the court process. They will have approx. 60 days to come into compliance, or will be ordered to shut down.
    2. Working closely with the Community Shelter Board to help their process move smoothly and help with issues they may have.
    3. They work with liquor licensing and filing injunctions if people are breaking the law.
    4. They work with the apartments in the area – with owners, tennants, HUD, and other governmental agencies.
  3. City Attorney Zach Klein’s Zone 1 Community Safety Meeting will take place on January 23, 2025, 6:00 p.m. and will be at the Northern Lights Columbus Public Library, 4093 Cleveland Avenue. The meeting will be a chance for folks to speak directly with Zach about safety issues and concerns they have in the community.
  4. Sarah’s contact info: 614-645-8619

Vice President Mark Bell – – No Report

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, MB, LB, CL, MSg, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, CA, LH, EM, TS, KG, QM, SB, AH
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: MSt, DP
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13
  • Area Reps Absent: 1,6,8,10,14
  • Total meeting attendance: 30
  1. Reviewed minutes from Dec. 2024, no changes or corrections needed, minutes were approved and were entered into the official records.
  2. Attendance Sheet for January 2025

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. Reviewed reports from November and December. Reports were approved.
  2. The first half of our grant from the City of Columbus was received! The Grant Committee is busy making plans to put those funds to work and are excited to see what they do!
  3. We received two new household memberships, some advertising dollars and donations to our various function areas. Expenses included finishing paying for the island maintenance and our security patrols.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra – – No Report

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

February 2025 issue will be ONLINE only – just like the January copy.  Due date for articles/photos/ads is January 25th please. 

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –, Katie Van Mercetta –, Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

See report in the Forester.

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  – No Report

Civic Action/311 Officer  Vacant


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes – – No Report

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu – – No Report

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone – – No Report

Social Activities Tiffany Smith – – No Report

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Mark Bell –

See Report in Forester

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –  No Report

Grant Writing Committee Chair  Quentin Monden – – 

  1. The Board of Trustees met with the members of the Grant Writing Committee on Dec. 18 to make sure there was alignment between the Committee’s goals and the goals of the FPCA. The minutes were posted online and in the Forester.
  2. The first grant installment check for $2500 was received on 12/28. 

Website Administrators Scott Biggs (Website/Facebook)   Dave Paul (Website) Absent Ashley Howard (Instagram/Facebook)  

Our website/Facebook page is always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us. If you have any information that you would like posted, please contact one of the above 3 people.


Concerning the FP signs, it was suggested to try to get the city to replace all of the signs that have been removed/damaged. Tabled until January. Update: Devin Deal responded that he felt this was a reasonable request and that we should collect and submit all of the information about the previous sign to 311 and let him know when we do that so he can help facilitate the completion of the project.


  1. The Board of Trustees met with the members of the Grant Writing Committee on Dec. 18 to make sure there was alignment between the Committee’s goals and the goals of the FPCA. The minutes were posted online and in the previous Forester.
  2. All officers and committee chairs should have 1 goal for the year ready to present for next month.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM

A short Board of Trustees meeting was called after the general meeting. No minutes were taken.

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

FPCA Grant Writing Committee/Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: December 18, 2024

FPCA Grant Writing Committee & Board of Trustees Meeting

Date: 18 Dec 2024, 7:30-8:45 pm

Karl Road Library

In attendance:

Grant Writing Committee: Laura Hayes, Erin Materau, Quentin Monden

Social Media Coordinator: Ashley Howard

Board of Trustees: Lou Bernard, Cheryl Lutman, Mary Sguerra, Ed Vanasdale, Katie Vanmercetta, Daryl Vanmercetta,  Rita Woeste

The Grant Committee gave a presentation on the work that they have been involved in, and invited discussion and feedback from the Board of Trustees. The presentation’s main points are below.

  1. Discussed the committee’s vision: To foster a vibrant community where residents are empowered to live healthier, more connected lives.
  2. Identified 4 main populations that we are looking to serve:
    • Long Time Residents
    • Millennial Residents
    • New Americans
    • Young Families
    • There was a discussion concerning the breakdown of the names/categories of residents, and possible changes. It was discussed that the names are not set in stone, and are actually quite fluid based on the language of the grant being applied for.
  3. Looked at what activities would benefit each group.
  4. Discussed 2024 Grant Applications
    • New Am. Civic Integration Grant – $5000
    • 614 Beautiful Grant – not selected
    • Designer Brand Community Grant – not selected
  5. Cheryl brought up that when the Forester is not delivered, but is online, we get no memberships. Memberships go up when the Forester is delivered.
  6. 2025 Funding Priorities
    • Looking for more funding for the Forester
    • Implementing a new membership database
      • Will enable digital communication via email to large group
      • Can track, manage and analyze our active members
      • Could potentially manage our finances in one place
    • Modernize our technology
    • Be more intentional about how we spend our time and money as the FPCA
  7. Grant Committee Needs
    • Additional funding
    • More active base w/ heavy focus on Area Reps
    • Updated and enhanced Forester – language translation editions
  8.  FPCA Demographic Data
    • 1961 year founded
    • 1.4 sq. miles
    • 2900 single family homes
    • 7500 approximate residents
    • 20+ nationalities
  9. An in depth discussion was held on ways to re-establish the significance of Area Reps, and review their responsibilities.
  10. Quentin discussed using possible organizations like VolunteerMatch to help fill the void of volunteers when a large number are needed.
  11. Quentin has a contact who works at Google, but not specifically within the Suites department. He will contact this associate who works for Google to see if they can connect us to a person within Google Workspace/Suites.

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: December 10, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 10 Dec 2024

Location: BRU Burger Bar

Meeting called to order @ 7:00 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –

  1. Thanked everyone present for their support and service throughout the 2024 year.
  2. January Meeting is the swearing in ceremony for all officers, committee chairs, and area reps. Guest Speaker: Sarah Pomeroy. 
  3. February Guest Speaker: Emmanuel Remy
  4. Members of the Board decided it was unnecessary for every volunteer to sign a copy of the Code of Conduct. We will have them available at the January meeting for people to read. Volunteers are responsible for reading them and abiding by them.
  5. Presented the quarterly newsletter from Karmel/Woodward Park that they have had printed in color and in 6 languages by the City of Columbus. The Grant Writing Team and Forester editor will be working together to make this happen for us.

Guest Speaker: None

Vice President Trevor Secord – tsecord@une.eduAbsent – No Report

Secretary Lou Bernard –


  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, LB, CL, MSg, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, LH, EM, MSt, KG, QM, SB, AH
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: TS, DP, CA
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
  • Total meeting attendance: 29
  1. Reviewed minutes from November; no changes or corrections needed; minutes have been approved and were entered into the official records.
  2. The amended Constitution and Bylaws are updated on the website – CLICK HERE.
  3. Thank you note for Devin Deal, Northland Area Community liaison, was passed around.
  4. Requested that all committee chairs email their reports since none were going to be given during the meeting.
  5. Attendance Sheet for 2024: Located online

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. 7 new household memberships and some advertising dollars collected.
  2. We paid for security patrols, a partial payment on our island maintenance (the remainder cleared in early December) and renewed our insurance for another year.
  3. Still no sign of the grant check from the City of Columbus. They are mailing it, and the mailbox is being checked regularly. Cheryl will let the Grant Writing Committee know when it comes in.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –  No Report

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –  

  1. Articles, stories, recipes, etc. due NO LATER than Dec. 27th. 
  2. January and February are online issues.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –, Katie Van Mercetta –, Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

See report in the Forester.

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  No Report


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –  No Report

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

  1. 1 position is open and currently looking for people to fill them: Civic Action (311) Officer 
  2. We want to welcome Mark Bell to the position of Vice President and Tammy Smith to the position of Social Activities Chairperson. They will begin in January.

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone –  No Report

Social Activities Vacant

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord – Absent

The Northland Community Council held its December meeting on Tuesday, December 3 at Fujiyama Steak House. This was the NCC’s annual holiday dinner. There was a brief business meeting consisting of a roll call and brief announcements, before adjourning to dinner.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

3 cases were heard at the 12/4/2024 meeting, only one in the FP immediate area: a parking lot reduction at 1450 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. The issue was tabled. See complete minutes of the meeting online.

Grant Writing Committee Chair  Quentin Monden –

They will be meeting with the Board of Trustees on Weds. Dec. 18 in order to establish goals for the upcoming year and to develop an action plan to implement the New Americans Grant.

Website Administrators Scott Biggs (Website/Facebook), Dave Paul (Website) – Absent, Ashley Howard (Instagram/Facebook)  

Our website/Facebook page is always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us.


Concerning the Forest Park signs, it was suggested to try to get the city to replace all of the signs that have been removed/damaged. Tabled until January. Update: Devin Deal was emailed on 12/22 about this issue.


The next Block Watch (6:00 pm), 311/Code Enforcement (6:30 pm), and general FPCA meeting (7:00 pm) will be held on Jan.14, 2025 at Epworth United Methodist Church on Karl Rd.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: November 12, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: November 12, 2024

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @7:04 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –

  1. Discussed the new Code Of Conduct For Officers, Committee Chairs, and Area Representatives that was presented at the September meeting. (A copy has been made available on the website for viewing.) A vote was taken to add an amendment to the bylaws referencing the new policy and that it will be signed annually by the appropriate members; the motion passed. A second vote was taken to approve the new code of conduct policy; the motion passed. To view the new policy, check the website.
  2. We are looking for volunteers to fill vacant positions, and a slate of candidates for all positions for the new year. If you are interested in running for an office, or filling a vacant position, or if you are not going to remain in your position, please contact Erin Materu or Lou Bernard. The only open position that we currently have is the Social Activities Coordinator, but you are welcome to run for any position in the FPCA – officer, committee chair, or area representative. 

Guest Speaker: Gifting Youth Joy: Ellie Church (Treasurer) of Gifting Youth Joy. They link Franklin County residents aged 12 to 18 with holiday gifts through the help of donations and volunteers through the holiday season and beyond. The non-profit sees these youth as an important part of our community who are still young enough to need care and support but also old enough to understand the difficulties that poverty can create. Providing holiday gift assistance is a simple act of kindness that provides dignity and joy where it is lacking.  Their vision is to bring teenagers the happiness and connection to the community they want, need, and deserve. In their inaugural year, they serviced 23 families with children and teens. This year they hope to expand their reach. A basket was passed at the meeting and donations were collected. If you are interested in helping out or donating please call  (614) 547-6237 or go to their website  They can also be reached at or Gifting Youth Joy, PO Box 72199, Columbus Ohio, 43207

Vice President Trevor Secord – Absent No Report

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, LB, CL, MSg, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, LH, EM, KG, QM, DP, SB
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: TS, CA, LH, MSt, AH
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 4, 6, 8, 10
  • Total meeting attendance: 25 
  1. Reviewed minutes from October, no changes or corrections needed, minutes have been approved and were entered into the official records.
  2. Attendance Sheet thru November: CLICK HERE

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. We have had 5 new members join in October.
  2. We paid for Forester printing, island maintenance, and supplemental security.
  3. The Treasurer’s Report was approved.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –  No Report

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

  1. Rita needs stories, articles by Thurs. 11/14 for the Nov/Dec issue
  2. The January and February issues will be online. More info to come later.These two online issues will help close the short fall in the budget, and keep our delivery people safe during the bad weather.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –, Katie Van Mercetta –, Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

See report in the Forester.

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –,  Cynthia Alkire –

No Report


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –  Absent  No Report

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –  No Report

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone – Absent

Hard copy of thank you notes of all those who became members should be delivered with the next Forester. Mike will provide Rita with a copy of addresses and the notes in advance of the targeted delivery. 

Social Activities Vacant

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –

See the full report in the Forester.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

Four (4) cases were heard at the October 30th meeting. None were in the immediate FP area. To view the report from the October meeting CLICK HERE.

Grant Writing Committee Chair  Quentin Monden – 

  1. The committee is still awaiting the check from the New Americans Program Grant. When the check is secured, the planning will begin and volunteers will be needed. Stay tuned for more information.
  2. They applied for the Designer Brands Community Grant on October 18th. Since it was our first round, we qualified for $5,000.00. If we are approved, we should hear back by the end of this month. The grant will support FPCA’s general operations. 

Website Administrators Scott Biggs – (Website/Facebook), Dave Paul – (Website), Ashley Howard – (Instagram/Facebook)  

Our website was a victim of a hacked redirect infection. The virus was found, removed, and the website was updated – to include new security software. New accounts were created to increase security.


Damaged FP sign at the corner of Satinwood and Pegwood has been replaced by the city. Thank you to the Sign Team and Devin Deal, our area liaison rep. 


  1. There will be no regular December meetings. The December meeting will be the annual holiday dinner for Area Reps, Committee Chairs, Board Members, and their guests. An Evite was mailed out, so if you hold one of those positions and you didn’t get it, check your spam folder. Hope to see you there.
  2. The next Block Watch, 311/Code Enforcement, and general FPCA meeting will be held on Jan.14, 2025 at Epworth United Methodist Church on Karl Rd.
  3. Concerning the FP signs, it was suggested to try to get the city to replace all of the signs that have been removed/damaged. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA