Information on door to door salepeople from Columbus Police Liasion Officer Clinger
Now that spring has arrived, I find it necessary to discuss commercial sales in the neighborhoods. Many scams that we hear residents complain about start with the door to door salesman. Columbus City Code Chapter 523 mandates that all peddlers have a license. The license requires a background check and when it is issued it will have the person’s picture and expiration date. This license is required not only for products sold, but also for services offered to you.
Some of the exceptions to the license requirement include state and local governments, schools, civic groups, religious groups, and political groups.
Each vendor must have a valid picture Columbus issued I.D. card on the outermost clothing.
The times valid for soliciting are from 9AM to 8PM each day of the week. If you display a sign that states “no soliciting” then they are not allowed to enter your property or knock on your door.
Remember, if you choose to allow someone to do work at your home, never pay in advance! Always check with the state attorney general’s office to see if there have been any complaints filed.
If you have someone without a license at your door call (614) 645-4545, in addition please call the Columbus City License Section at (614) 645-8366.