Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: October 10, 2023 and Budget Meeting Minutes: October 5, 2023

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 10 October 2023

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 8:01 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call.


President Ed Vanasdale –

Budget Meeting Report (see the Budget Meeting Minutes in this Forester or at the end of these minutes-online only).

Guest Speaker: Gifting Youth Joy (non-profit organization)

Ziggy Cicchella (Secretary) (who lives in Forest Park) and their social work colleagues, Eryca Rivera (Treasurer), and Ellie Church (President) have started a non-profit organization called “Gifting Youth Joy.” Teens are often passed over in gift and toy drives, and they want to bring attention to the large number of teens in our community who are without during the holidays. Most toy drives stop gifting to kids when they reach 12 yrs old. They are hoping to fill that gap and give teens the wonderful holiday they deserve. They are accepting donations at

Vice President Trevor Secord –   NCC Report in this issue of the Forester.

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance: 
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL, MS, RW, MB, SL, SB, AP, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: DVM, KVM, LH
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 4, 6, 14 (Area 14 remains vacant )
  • Total meeting attendance: 35
  • Attendance Record Sheet Thru October

2. Review minutes from September, no changes were made. Minutes approved.

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. 13 new household memberships – one person noted they moved to the neighborhood 8/2023!
  2. Advertising revenue of $1,145. Note that we have billed an additional $1,380 in advertising that has not been paid yet. In addition, we have $200 “on account” from those who have prepaid their ads for the year. Plus we deposited the rest of the Welcome Committee funds, including the match. We raised $505 for that effort – well done, all!
  3. Expenses are in line. The August Forester printing was $985, we had bags for $91.38 and security was $675. We also paid for the garage sale ad of $51.96

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

We had a garage sale in the fall with 21 participants. We made $51 after all advertising bills were paid (i.e. The Columbus Dispatch ads)

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

  1. Nov/Dec. Forester will be combined into one issue. This helps with cost, but also with deliverers.
  2. Articles for Nov/Dec are due by Nov. 3. Delivery around Nov. 12th and beyond.
  3. We are still looking for delivery help. If you are interested in becoming an active part of your community, please contact Rita.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –, Katie Van Mercetta –, Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418 Absent – No Report

Business Representative Marty Biggs –,  Sheridan Landon –  – No Report


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –

Welcome folders are almost ready to be sent out.

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs –   

  1. We are creating the slate of volunteers for positions for the 2024 FPCA year. We are always looking for new members and people interested in serving their community. Please contact Scott if you are interested in helping.
  2. We are also creating a new “Membership Coordinator” position and are looking for a motivated volunteer who loves working with people and is comfortable working with a database or spreadsheet.

Social Activities Andrea Philipsen –

  1. Dirty Frank’s Hot Dog Food Truck 5 pm Monday 10/16 at the YMCA.
  2. TRUNK OR TREAT! I am using budget money to buy some extra candy, so I simply need extra volunteers! Trunks and kids needed too! 🙂 Trunk or Treat at the YMCA on 10/30 – Monday 6-8 pm. Please contact Andrea if you are willing to open your trunk for kids!
  3. More info forthcoming on Veterans Day ceremony at the YMCA in November and Breakfast with Santa on December 2nd.
  4. No pressure to have an FPCA table set up at events – it’s merely an opportunity to bring in more revenue for our organization. Andrea is unable to host and monitor a table simultaneously. She gets that volunteering is becoming more and more “a lost art” these days, but as leaders of our neighborhood, everyone should make an appearance at these organized events from time to time, show your support and interact with our Forest Park neighbors!
  5. New postcards were made and put in the Welcome Folders to describe the FPCA and what we do.

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –

See NCC Report in this issue.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

2 cases were brought before the committee, only one pertained to FP. 

  • Application to permit use for window tinting and car rental services; concurrent Council variance to add storage uses – 2050 E Dublin Granville Rd, 43229. The Committee approved (13-0) a motion to TABLE the application, as requested by the applicant.

Website Administrators Scott Biggs –, Dave Paul –  

Our website and Facebook pages are always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check them out!!





Meeting adjourned at 7:59 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

(Budget meeting minutes follow.)


Budget Meeting

Date: 5 Oct 2023

Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order by Ed Vanasdale @ 7:00 PM

The following Executive Board Members, Officers, and Committee Chairs were in attendance: 

Ed Vanasdale (Pres), Trevor Secord (VP), Cheryl Lutman (Treas), Lou Bernard (Sec), Mary Squerra (Pub. Relations), Rita Woeste (Forester Editor), Daryl Vanmercetta (Security), Marty Biggs (Business), Laura Hayes (Welcome), Scott Biggs (Volunteer), and Dave Paul (Website)

The meeting was called to make sure the budget is balanced now that most of the memberships have been collected. As of 10/5/2023, we had 387 paid memberships since the beginning of the budget cycle (April 1). Last year we collected 480 paid memberships. Last year, items were cut from the budget (i.e. the number of Supplemental Security patrol hours) in order to balance the budget. This meeting was scheduled knowing that we are almost 100 memberships down from last year.

Items that were discussed, voted on, and passed are as follows:

  1. The budget was reviewed and it was decided that we could not cut the Forester or Supplemental Security since those were promised through this budget cycle. A motion was made and passed to supply any budget shortfall (approximately $895) with money from the reserves in the savings account. Noting that if membership does not increase next year, Supplemental Security may take a major hit.
  2. In order to save money, the November and December Forester will be combined into a single issue. January and February issues will be online like they have been since Covid. 
  3. The membership drive mailing will be moved to March instead of May to correspond with the beginning of the budget cycle, April 1st. If any money is needed to make this happen, because technically it was not budgeted for in the 23-24 budget, the money will be borrowed from the reserves.
  4. A letter will be included in the March/Membership newsletter explaining budget cuts to the 24-25 year if the membership count does not increase.
  5. $500 was reallocated to the Social Committee to help Andrea continue to plan, promote, and expand the many activities she is coordinating.
  6. We are in GREAT need of a Membership Drive Committee Chair, the Volunteer Coordinator will be looking to fill this role.
  7. Welcome Committee and Volunteer Committee chairs will be working to contact Area Reps to deliver the new Welcome Folders. 
  8. The December meeting, to follow tradition, will be held at a local restaurant for the Officers, Committee Chairs, Area Reps and their families. Restaurants were discussed and a meeting place will be announced shortly. (Note: None of this meeting is paid with FPCA funds, each person/family is responsible for their own bill.)

Meeting adjourned 8:36 PM.

Budget Meeting Minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA