NCC Annual Picnic Aug 13 6 PM

The Northland Community Council Annual Picnic will be held Aug 13 at the Northland Swim Club, starting at 6 pm, to allow representatives from member community associations to participate in National Night Out on the regular meeting night, Aug 6. As Aug 13 is the same night as our regular Forest Park Civic Association Meeting, we will join the NCC at their event and not have a separate meeting (we may have a brief business meeting at the pool). It will be a potluck (I believe NCC is providing meat), so bring a side dish. All FPCA board members and their families are welcome! Bring your swim suits and towels too! The Northland Swim Club is located at 5006 Almont Dr, Columbus OH  43229 in the Kar-Mel neighborhood.

Ken Gilbert
Vice President and NCC Rep