5147 Karl Road
Columbus, OH 43229
Take A Step to a Healthier You
Take steps to a healthier you with Walk with a Doc. Every other Saturday we will host an hour-long morning walk led by a physician from Mount Carmel Health System or the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Walkers can come and walk for as little or as long as they like and all can enjoy refreshments and walking incentives at each walk.
Where: Woodward Park and Community Center, 5147 Karl Road, meet at front picnic tables*
When: selected Saturdays of each month, 8:30am – 9:30am
* Walks are held in the community center gym during bad weather.
** The June 6 walk will feature Mount Carmel’s Mobile Medical Coach – An urgent care center on wheels providing healthcare and screenings, while connecting patients to long-term care.
Call 614-645-1260 for more information, or visit the event website.
see also: http://columbus.gov/publichealth/programs/Healthy-Places/Walk-With-A-Doc/