Forest Park Civic Association Meeting
January 10, 2023 (condensed notes, secretary not present)
Pledge allegiance 7:32pm
Roll call Not here – secretary, past president, welcome committee chair, forest park east Reps 6,8,10
NOTE: At this meeting, the Community Shelter Board presented its ideas on taking over the old hotel on 1289 E Dublin Granville Rd. location. More info on page 1 of this edition.
- President made the group aware that the presentation today is special and there is a joint meeting. Questions will be after the presentation and normal business will be after presentation
- Lianna Carter director at Community shelter board Partner agencies are present as well. Conversation is about 1289 E Dublin Granville rd. Location. Presentation is provided and will be attached.
- Discussion was had from 8pm -9pm
- Normal business of the FPCA was tabled to the next meeting.
Motion To adjourn by Ken Gilbert, seconded by Cheryl Lutman at 9:06pm