Forest Park Civic Association Meeting
12 Jan 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting
Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:03 PM by Felix Quachey
President’s Report Felix Quachey Scott Prigan
- The slate for the new board officers, committee chairs, and area reps was reviewed, voted on and passed. We are still looking for a few positions: 1) Vice President, 2) Social Committee Chair, and Area Reps for Areas 13 and 14. If you are interested please contact Mike Stone @
- All members of the Board were sworn in by Sarah Pomeroy, Columbus City Attorney.
- Scott Prigan took over as FPCA President. Thank you Felix for all of your years of service to FPCA!!
- FPCA membership has gone up from last year. We need to still continue to work together through this pandemic.
Vice President’s Report Position is Vacant If you are interested please contact Mike Stone.
Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard
- Attendance will be taken via Zoom. (26 people in attendance)
Officers Present: FQ, SP, LB, DH, MS, RW, DVM, SL, AR, ER, MS, EV, DP (100% attendance)
Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11
Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 6, 8, 12, 13
- The FPCA received a letter and donation from Mr. James Cherryholmes. His mother and father used to live on Satinwood Dr. They were long time members of the FPCA. His mother had recently passed and the house was sold. See the letter in the Forester.
Treasurer’s Report Dan Hartzell Cheryl Lutman
- Dan’s last meeting as acting Treasurer. Thank you Dan for your 11+ years of service to the FPCA. We welcome Cheryl to her new position!
- Dan went through line items on the budget. We are still ahead of the budget, year-to-date. You can find the Treasurer’s Report and budget in this month’s Forester. Budget was voted on and passed.
Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra
- New signs were added at the entrance of Forest Park off Karl Rd.
- Received a few phone calls about trucks illegally parking on the street. Remember to call (614) 645-3111 if you have any issues in your neighborhood.
Forester Editor’s Report Rita Woeste
- Working on a list of Forester due dates for the 2021 year, usually the 15th-17th of each month.
- We need articles for the Forester. Come on all you budding journalists & authors, we need you! Articles for Feb. are due Jan.21st.
- Would like photos of all Area Reps, so that people in FP can get to know their Reps.
- Foresters are still being stuffed in the homes of volunteers, and then distributed to the “Deliverers”. Thank you to all those who help out.
Supplemental Security Report Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta
- Many vacation house check requests coming in.
- Reports of gunfire. A woman at Kroger had her purse stolen. Stay vigilant and look out for your neighbors. Keep your eyes open and report when needed.
- Keep your doors on your car and house locked. People are out looking in vehicles.
- Bonnie Freeman is sending Columbus Police pictures from the local Ring doorbells of people approaching houses and cars at night.
- Scott (President) would like to see the Block Watch get their meetings going again. He would like to get then going with a Zoom call just like the FPCA meetings are doing.
Business Representative Sheridan Landin – Alan Ray –
- The business reps took December off from visiting local businesses. They plan to pick up the pace in January.
- They will be working with the Forester editor to get the business members listed in the publication.
- If there are local business people that you are in contact with, please have a conversation about joining, and let Sheridan know.
Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray –
- Ellin has lots of Welcome Folders for Area Reps; please contact Ellin to arrange a pick up time.
- There was a discussion about new items that need to go into the new Welcome Folders.
- New folders need to be picked up and distributed. Area Reps please contact Ellin to arrange a time to get your bag of Welcome Folders for your area.
Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone
- Welcome to all the new board members, committee chairs, and reps.
- The mask delivery program has gone well, continuing to work on the Senior Services Support Committee.
- One objective for the committee this year is to get more involvement from the Nepali, Butanese, and Latino committee.
- Weds., Jan. 27th Membership Committee meeting. Zoom link through the FP listserv.
- Will get job descriptions of Area Reps and vacant positions to Rita for publication in the Forester.
Social Activities Report Position is Vacant If you are interested please contact Mike Stone.
NCC Representative Scott Prigan
- A presentation from Aunt Bertha Social Services Referral Network. They operate, a website that is a clearinghouse for information for people who need many different kinds of assistance. The website is very well laid out and very user friendly. The presenter pointed out that “food” is the most searched for item on the site. We have a lot of neighbors in need.
- NCC held yearly elections. They are looking for a new secretary.
- FPCA has attended almost every meeting over the past years. We were a founding member of the NCC in 1963! Congrats to our Reps for almost perfect attendance! 😉
NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul
- The caseload was huge. National Church Residence project off Cleveland Ave. changed their project to include more units (affordable senior housing). NCC was not very happy about this. Scioto Materials Plant off Rt. 3. The asphalt company is now taking in scrap asphalt. NCC is opposing the variance due to health and noise concerns of the new process.
- The plan for the new Sheetz gas station & rerouting Roche Dr. is moving ahead (@ old Walgreens near I-71)
Website Administrator Scott Prigan
- Please check out the website and SUBSCRIBE. You can subscribe/unsubscribe at the same link: . Lots of good info and places to contribute.
- When you fill in your name on the membership form, it gets added to the LISTSERV (email list). Dave Paul administers this list.
- Also, if you are looking for a good volunteer opportunity, and are interested in tech, email Scott and he will hook you up.
Old Business Scott Prigan
- We are still waiting to hear back from the IRS to approve the EIN necessary before we can apply for 501(c)(3). We are hoping to gain this status for the FPCA for the many positive things it will bring to the Association.
- “Welcome to Forest Park” signs in disrepair. Lou B. will contact Felix and get all of the info he has. Ed V. will pull all of his info and begin to work up an estimate and proposal to present to the Board at the next meeting.
New Business Scott Prigan
- Dave Paul will look into getting some info about what is going on at the old Sequoia Pool for the next meeting.
- Feb. 9th next meeting via Zoom.
Meeting adjourned: 8:51 pm
Submitted by Lou Bernard, FPCA Secretary