Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: June 8, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

08 June 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting

President’s Report  Scott Prigan

7:03 Called to Order. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Thanks to all who helped put together Membership mailing. (esp. M. Stone!) The returns are starting to pour in!

Thanks to Scott Clinger for many years of service as CPD liaison. Scott is retiring after many years of service to the CPD and the FPCA. Officer Clinger reviewed many of the accomplishments of collaborative work with the FPCA. Officer Dan Yandrich is Officer Clinger’s replacement.

Thanks to Area Reps for hanging tight through COVID. With vaccinations, etc. we may soon be going “live.” We will be looking to go live in July. Stay tuned to the website and Facebook page for updates and information!

Vice President’s Report  Ryan Finke

No report

Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard

Attendance will be taken via Zoom Participation List.

  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, RF, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, SL, AR, ER, DP, EV, KG 
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: MS (Social Activities Chair remains vacant)
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 (Areas 13 and 14 remain vacant )

Minutes from May’s meeting were voted on and accepted into the record.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

(See the budget spreadsheet in this month’s Forester)

  1. The biggest variances are due primarily to the mailing not going out until the end of the month, and so memberships are just now rolling in – a lot of them!  In years past, the mailing has gone out earlier, so memberships were received earlier.  On Saturday, she collected close to 100 envelopes, and has lots of PayPal notifications.  She’ll be working through these quickly!
  2. Otherwise, things seem to be in line.
Public Relations Report  Mary Sguerra

We had a great garage this spring. It was the largest neighborhood garage sale on record. Conversation is beginning to plan the fall 2021 Garage Sale: Sept. 18th. This is the same date as the Elevate Northland’s Unity Festival at the YMCA. This may help bring in more people to the garage sale.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. June 17th is the deadline for July Forester articles. 
  2. Northland HS and DeSales HS are not participating in delivery of the Forester. We are still looking for volunteers to deliver. If you are looking to volunteer somewhere in the organization, this is a great opportunity to “get your feet wet.” 

David Laughlin ( ) is in charge of organizing the delivery schedule. Look for a post on the Nextdoor App and/or Facebook page for volunteer opportunities..

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta Scott Clinger (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. Lengthy security check for a neighbor in a rehab facility. Security will continue to keep an eye on things, for the resident.
  2. They are reporting that things seem to be quiet, for the most part.
Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray –

  1. Sheridan has been hitting the pavement looking for new business members. If you are a business owner in the FP area, contact Sheridan or Alan to get information on becoming a business member–some advertising is included!
  2. Forest Park received a $250.00 check from The Nyce Company for the general fund. Thank you!
Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray –

Contacted area reps that did not pick up folders. Folders for areas 1, 2, 6, 8, and 13 still need to be picked up.

Volunteer Coordinator  Mike Stone  Absent 

  1. We Did It!! Got the mailing off successfully.  Thank you to the many wonderful people that made that possible.  Mike is very excited to hear that we have over 100 returns in 4 days!!
  2. Mike announced that he is going to have to step down from his duties as Volunteer/ Membership Coordinator.  He would like to make a full transition of this by the end of August.  If anyone on the board would be interested in filling this role, please let either him or Scott know and they can talk further with you.
Social Activities Report  Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone or Scott Prigan.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

  1. A very interesting and heated NCC meeting dealing with the homeless/hotel situation in the area. Members of the NCC pointed out to the reps from the homeless organizations (YMCA and Community Shelter Board) present that we are willing to help, but do not want to bear all the responsibility . They said 2 of the 3 repurposed facilities/hotels will be closing within the next 8-12 months.
  2. Lots of us have been having an issue with Rumpke recycling, check out the 311 website to register complaints.
NCC Development Representative  Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

2 cases involving our area: 1) The conversion of a commercially zoned house near Bella Villa. The applicant wants to build a 10 unit apartment. They changed design to address the concerns that NCC had with previous design. NCC was supportive of the proposal. 2) Magnuson Grand Hotel is being proposed to be turned into a low-income apartment complex. NCC was supportive of the proposal.

Website Administrator  Scott Prigan

Please check it out! Lots of good info.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Sign Committee Update: Bids were accepted. Moore Signs from Westerville was chosen to create the new signs. The committee asked for $1057.26 for the signs. There is money in the savings account to cover this. The money was approved by the members present. The committee will continue on with the process and update the FPCA in the future.
  2. Area Representatives who have been absent from the meetings have been individually contacted to find out where they have been. Those who have not responded are being called this week.
New Business  Scott Prigan

Some neighborly requests to look into incorporating into FPCA. Discussion followed. There are ways for individuals to become associate members. The executive board will discuss/explore this. The issue is pretty complex and they will report back throughout the coming months.

Meeting adjourned: 8:35