Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: May 11, 2022

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 11 May 2022

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church and Zoom

Meeting called to order @ 7:07 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call/Zoom Participant List.


President’s Report   Ed Vanasdale –

  1. We attended the NCC Awards Banquet last month where Secretary, Lou Bernard, and Supplemental Security Liaison, Daryl Van Mercetta, were honored as FPCA Volunteers of the Year. The Forester was named as the Northland Area’s best newsletter for 2021. Congratulations and thank you to Rita Woeste, Daryl, and Lou for all of their hard work.
  2. Ken Gilbert (acting VP) stepped down and Trevor Secord volunteered for the position of FP Vice President. Welcome and thank you, Trevor.

Vice President’s Report  Trevor Secord –

Trevor will be working with the Karl Rd. YMCA to create a program for this year’s National Night Out. If you are interested in helping, contact Trevor.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, SB, MS, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: FQ, AR, ER, LK-B, 
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11 (Area 7 has been filled by David Laughlin. Thanks David!)
  • Area Reps Absent: 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 13 and 14 remain vacant )
  • 5 people on Zoom/ 25 people present
  • Officer Dan Yandrich – present

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman –

  1. Most of this past month’s expenses came from the printing and future mailing of the membership packets that will be sent out near the end of the month.
  2. We had 5 new household memberships this month.
  3. You will notice that the Treasurer’s spreadsheet in this month’s Forester is in a slightly different format. If you have any questions for changes that need to be made, feel free to contact Cheryl.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra –  

  1. May 14th is the 161 Clean-up. Meet behind the Jiffy Lube at 9 am on Saturday.
  2. May 21st is the Community Garage Sale. If you are interested in participating and having your name in the flier that will be passed out at the entrances of FP, send $5 to Mary. There is a form in the Forester and on the website.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste –

  1. Articles due by this Friday, May 13th.  We moved the date up a week since we will be stuffing the Forester with the membership forms next Saturday, May 21 at Schoedinger.  This June Forester will be mailed. Hope folks can make it to help us out on the 21st @ 1:30 pm.
  2. Articles due for June Forester –  May 13th; Articles due for July Forester – June 16th
  3. We have a potential person to take over as the Delivery Coordinator. We still need delivery people, if you are interested in a quick way to volunteer and give back to the community, please contact Scott Biggs, Volunteer Coordinator.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta –

  Katie Van Mercetta –  Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. Officer Yandrich spoke. A reminder, we are in Zone 1/Precinct 4. As of May 22nd we should see more bike patrols in the area. Most of the crime in the FP area is happening in and around the apartment complexes. The homicide rate appears to be slowing down.
  2. Daryl is in constant contact with the supplemental security company. They are reporting many 311 calls on abandoned vehicles. There were very few vacation checks in April.
  3. Remember to keep your lights on at night. Don’t let your vehicles run without you in them. Stay vigilant. Look out for your neighbors!

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – 

    Alan Ray – 

  1. Sheridan is continuing to canvas the area businesses trying to get more of them to join.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – ABSENT-No Report

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs –

  1. Thank you to everyone who is volunteering and helping with the civic association.
  2. Resident Rick Bennett has scheduled a game night in the Karl Road Library for Tuesday May 26th at 6 p.m. The first one was a lot of fun. 
  3. Scott would like a group of volunteers to work together on the 4th of July Parade. If you’re interested in a fun project and are creative, we are looking for people to help. We are also looking for someone to head up the Bikes-n-Trikes competition.
  4. May’s Volunteer of the Month is Cheryl Lutman, our treasurer. Thank you for your countless hours and your awesome financial reporting.

Social Activities Report Liz Kengeter-Bash –  ABSENT-No Report

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert –

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –                      Dave Paul – 

  1. 3 Cases were heard:

Case #1 Application to repurpose a hotel property as a 116-unit multi-family apartment project

with reduced development standards; (Travelodge) 1100 Mediterranean Ave, 43229. At the request of the applicant, the committee tabled the application until a future meeting. The Committee most likely would have voted against it.

Case #2 Application for repurposing of a former self-service car wash facility as an automotive rental facility.

Chris Jolley/Darin Ranker Architects representing Enterprise Holdings LLC, 6841 Schrock Hill Court, 43229. The Committee approved with recommendations.

Case #3 Application concerning the proposed operation of a Medical Marijuana Control Program Retail Dispensary as required at the former Groll’s Furniture Gallery, 4066 Morse Rd, 43230. The Committee had no vote on this, it is only required by law to be presented to the Committee.

Website Administrator Dave Paul –  Scott Biggs – No Report


  1. Block Watch restart seems to be getting legs. We have a lead on a potential Block Watch Captain.


  1. There was a discussion to write thank you notes to new joining members. The members at the meeting said they would prefer to see them listed in the Forester like they used to be.
  2. Next meeting will be 7:00 pm, June 16th – @ the church and on Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM

Minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary