Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: November 9, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

9 November 2021 – Epworth United Methodist Church/Zoom

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:03 PM by Scott Prigan


President’s Report   Scott Prigan  

  1. Ryan Finke unfortunately had to step out of our Vice President position. He says that since his family size doubled from two to four children with twins born in April, he’s realizing the need to be more present in his home. He thanks the civic association for accepting him to serve alongside you all since March and hopes he can serve again sometime in the future. 
  2. New Volunteer Coordinator: Scott Biggs, taking over from Mike Stone
  3. RE Supplemental Security–Things We Need to Remember
    1. House Checks! Our contract with the security company will allow them to do house/property checks if you need them to do so, especially if you are on vacation.
    2. They are a security Patrol, they are NOT the police. If you have police issues, DO NOT call the security company or Daryl Van Marcetta and expect them to arrest people or do police actions. That is not their job.
    3. Our coordinator does not personally do checks, patrol, etc. He is not the police, he will not be coming to your house to solve disputes with your neighbor. He does coordinate checks and patrolling with the security agency. He also keeps an ear open to know about community safety, and communicate with our liaison officer.

Vice President’s Report The position is now vacant. 

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers Present: SP, LB, CL, RW, MS, SL, AR, ER, KG, EV, DVM
  • Officers Absent: SB, LKB
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 9, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14 (Areas 13 & 14 are vacant)
  • 18 people present, 1 on Zoom
  1. Minutes from last month were reviewed and accepted. They are posted on the website as well as in the Forester.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

  1. Report delayed due to technical issues. See the budget in this month’s Forester.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra  

  1. There is no report

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. December articles due Nov. 11, January articles are due Dec. 28.
  2. January Forester is an online issue–no delivering necessary.
  3. About 300 Foresters did not get delivered last month because we did not have enough volunteers to deliver. PLEASE, WE NEED MORE HELP/VOLUNTEERS.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta (Absent) Officer Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) 614.645.1418

  1. Officer Yandrich 
    1. Parking Issues: we are getting lots of complaints. Feel free to email the address and description of the vehicle. Flat tires, broken windows, and abandoned vehicles can be reported. Please note, the police impound lot is completely full; very little towing is happening in the city. Tractor trailers can only park for 1 hour. Longer than that, it is a violation and should be reported. Last Tuesday when it became very cold, 4 cars were stolen in the Northland area because their owners left them running/warming up in their driveway or street.
    2. Shooting on Karl Rd.: this was a problem with a person who lives on Karl Rd. There is a suspect.
    3. There is no suspect in the Doll House shooting.
    4. If you have speeders in your neighborhood, please call 311.
    5. If cars are parked over the sidewalk, this is a police issue–call 614.645.4545
    6. Be wary of the rise of burglaries around the holiday time.
    7. Gave free gun locks away to anyone who wanted one.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – Alan Ray –

Neither of the business reps have been out canvassing the area. We have no new business memberships.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray –

Ellin has all Welcome Folders for each area ready to be picked up! She has finally caught up! Area Reps need to attend the monthly meeting to pick up the folders for delivery.


Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone   Absent 

  1. First, welcome Scott Biggs as our new Membership/ Volunteer coordinator.  I will be working with him  as I plan to stay active in FPCA where I can (but I won’t be able to come up for air until about late March).
  2. In other notes… we need a Vice President.      Seriously though, thank you Ryan for filling the role in 2021.  Recruiting new people is a great thing for area rep. positions but the VP role needs to be filled by a current board member.  
  3. If there are any additional area representatives who are looking to step down from their post, please let us know as we can use the time to fill it in the upcoming months.  

Social Activities Report Liz Kengeter-Bash Absent – No Report.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert (Absent)

  1. The July 4th Parade is on!! Planning has been taking place. They take place Karl Rd. Library on the 3rd Sat. of each month. Look on the NCC website for more info.
  2. Hotel Issues. The hotel on Mediterranean Ave. has ceased being a Covid homeless overflow site.. The hotel next to Popeyes, is a hotel set up for Covid positive homeless people. If you see people standing outside or in cleaning gear, that is appropriate. They deep clean the rooms when a client leaves.
  3. The City Atty, Sarah Pomeroy is working hard on the hotel issue, and is currently planning on filing formal complaints against some of them in the area.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul 

  1. Ohio Health on 5150 E. Dublin-Granville applied for a graphics plan to images on the bldg. The plan was not accurate, therefore it was not approved.
  2. 4048 Morse Rd. – The dermatology practice was approved for a variance to move closer to the road. The city then said that they would lose some of their parking. They came up with a plan with their neighbors to share space. The plan was approved.
  3. Surplus World on Morse Rd. wanted to put in a warehouse in the back of their property that would replace all or most of their parking. They had no plans to accommodate the parking. They tabled their idea.

Website Administrator Scott Prigan (Absent)

FPCIVIC.ORG is our website. Make sure to sign up for updates.

Old Business

  1. Sign Committee update: Members of the Sign Committee (Ed, Daryl, and Lou) put up the 5 signs in the FP area on Sat., Nov. 6. See the article in this month’s Forester.
  2. We recently received a letter from the IRS after almost a year concerning the 501c3. They need more paperwork!!! Agggh, this is so frustrating.

New Business/Announcements/Ideas

Ed has been calling 311 on the trash that accumulates near the exit ramps at 161/I-71. So if you see city workers out there collecting it, you can thank Ed Vanasdale when you see him!! Thank you, Ed!

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM