Thank Our Business Neighbors

30 years ago, Northland Mall was still a BIG DEAL “place to go” for shopping in Columbus — and there were many booming businesses along the Morse Road strip.

20 years ago Northland Mall was featured on the Ghost Malls website — and a significant number of the businesses on the strip were struggling. … But positive developments were starting to move! New people filled with new hope (many in a new country) were moving in. These folks saw good housing in a good neighborhood. They saw the empty storefronts as an opportunity. They perceived the value of the area and were eager to join us! Some came as renters first, some bought homes immediately, some established businesses. People from 4 continents recognized Forest Park and Northland as a place they could call HOME!

Today the empty storefronts on Morse Road are GONE — essentially fully occupied, and 161 is soon to follow. Most of these are local businesses, run by local people — not chains that cut and run if the company has a bad quarter. (Remember the Olive Garden, busy and prosperous, but still pulled out. … and the chains eventually seek to follow the local entrepreneurs back into the neighborhood.)

I encourage you to visit these neighbors. Tell them about the Forest Park Civic Association. Invite them to JOIN F.P.C.A., both as families (if they reside in Forest Park proper), and as businesses. There are a couple of fine fellows who can help them join as well:

Business Representative: Sheridan Landon,, 614-515-0783
Asst. Business Rep.: Alan Ray,, 614-506-3386

See you soon! It’s so good to be sharing a place we can all call HOME.

Your president, Scott Prigan.

See the recent Columbus Dispatch story that inspired my thoughts:
New census data show Asian, other minority residents driving Northland’s population growth

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