Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: October 11, 2022

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 11 Oct 2022

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:06 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call.


President’s Report   Ed Vanasdale

Guest Speakers: Toro Meat Market: Samuel (manager) and Fernando (owner). They are in the old Carfagna’s. Grand Opening was May 1st. They explained that their mission is to be a part of the community and work to always improve their service and relationship with the neighborhood. Sat. Oct. 15th they plan to host a hispanic cultural education event and are giving away gift cards to the first 188 attendees.

Vice President’s Report  Trevor Secord

Introduced himself to everyone. Thanked everyone for national night out attendance and support. Trying to do things with the North YMCA and begin more programming with them.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL, MS, SL, SB, MS, AR
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: FQ, RW, DVM, KVM, ER, KG, DP 
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14 (Areas 4, 13, and 14 remain vacant )
  1. Eileen Kunkler will be the new Area 7 Rep. Welcome and Thank You, Eileen!
  2. Marty Biggs will be joining the Business Reps Team.
  3. Reviewed minutes from September. Correction to last month’s minutes: Area 6 was present last month, they were marked absent. This will be corrected.  The correction and the minutes were voted on and approved into the official record.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman –

1) During September, we received 20 household memberships and no business memberships. 9 of our 10 members paying through PayPal also covered their PayPal fees. Advertising income was $610. Several people continue to help fund our security, Forester and Beautification efforts. Finally, the garage sale generated another $105 in revenue to FPCA – and hopefully put some cash in our members pockets as well! 

2) Our main expenses this month were the Forester printing and our Security fees.

3) In terms of realigning our budget, $150 was removed that we had earmarked for neighborhood beautification awards from our current budget. The remainder of the budget will be reviewed and realigned. There is still a deficit, but it is a smaller deficit, provided we meet our membership goal.

4) Our 501(c)(3) status is in limbo. The IRS has been and continues to be bugged about our status.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra –  

20 people participated in the garage sale.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste –  ABSENT

1) All articles, ads, and photos for the November Forester are due Thursday, October 20th.  Looking for articles in honor of Thanksgiving about the folks who do things in your neighborhood (i.e. “I want to applaud the guy who brings his mower up to plant boxes at Satinwood and 161 and not only tends to those plants but mows the area to make sure the area looks great.”) 

2) We plan to get Foresters out to delivery folks the weekend of October 29th and 30th. 

3) BE AWARE that for the December Forester due date for ADS, Articles, Photos. This will be a very short turnaround from the November newsletter. All December items will be due, Friday November 11th. This is due to the Thanksgiving holiday at the end of the month and we have to have the final copy for the December Forester to the printer by November 14th.  

4) Rita is still working on the delivery system for the Forester. Below are streets that DID NOT get covered for the October issue of the Forester. As of today, she has no delivery people for the following:

  • Karl Road –  52 homes,West side from Hempwood down to Woodward middle school
  • Karl Road – 51 homes, East side from Sandalwood, going south to Norma
  • Tamarack Court South – 19 homes, entire street
  • Area 14, 12 homes on Coghill, 9 homes on Dandridge, 8 homes on Judwick, 16 homes on Lyle

So that is 167 homes not covered.  If you know of anyone who would like to help, text Rita on her cell or email her. There are 2 other streets where the delivery folks moved this past month and am working on getting those covered. Even if someone can only do 10-20 homes that is always a BIG help. If anyone would like to help deliver the packets to the delivery folks, email or text Rita. There are over 50 wonderful folks who deliver the Forester so it’s a bunch of stops to get them out. 

—After the meeting we had 3 people step up to volunteer delivering Foresters. Are you willing to step up and help out?

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta –

  Katie Van Mercetta – Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) 614.645.1418  All were Absent

  1. Talked with the security company.They are not reporting much to Daryl. No one is calling or emailing much that needs to be looked into.
  2. There have been 3 vacation requests. 
  3. We would like to start the Block Watch up again, but we need someone or people to chair the committee. Please contact Ed or Daryl if you are interested. They will be willing to help you and work with you setting it up.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – 

    Alan Ray – 

  1. They have leads on a few new members. Will be contacting them this week.
  2. Marty Biggs is willing to join the Business Reps Team! Congrats and Thank you!

—On Wednesday, 10/12 Marty secured the business membership of the Toro Meat Market!!


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – ABSENT

  1. New owner Welcome folders were passed out. 
  2. Two of your new owners were at the meeting – Welcome Tejai and Jenn.

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs –

  1. Thank you to all the volunteers!
  2. As the leaves are coming down, it is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors raking your leaves.
  3. The issue of street lights has come up, by area residents. 
  4. We are getting interest in some volunteer positions. Scott is continuing to work to get them into positions.
  5. Setting up Twitter and Instagram accounts for FP. 
  6. Fall Membership Drive: through social media, area reps, to drive up membership. A Winter flyer about the benefits of FP is being created.

Social Activities Report Vacant

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert –  ABSENT

  1. Ed attended the meeting for Trevor and Ken. There were members of city council at the meeting explaining the new bond issues on the upcoming ballot.
  2. New poles are going up between sidewalks and streets in the area. These are Verizon cell phone towers. The state said they could do this and the city or the FPCA could do nothing to stop it.
  3. New Inspector General for the CPD was there to discuss the process for reporting misconduct by officers.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale – 

       Dave Paul – ABSENT

4 Cases were heard, only 1 is in our FP area:

Case #1 Application for special permit to allow a food truck to be parked on the site and not moved at night, by effectively defining it to be a “portable building” as described, rather than a food truck. This would allow food trucks to take up permanent residence in one spot. FPCA is fighting this.

Website Administrator Dave Paul –  Scott Biggs –

No report



The next FPCA meeting will be November 8th at Epworth United Methodist Church at 7 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15.

Minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA